Gardening In The Wild with @farmhousewanders

Thursday 20 June 2024
Gardening In The Wild with @farmhousewanders

There’s magic to gardening in a wildflower garden. Unlike traditional, meticulously curated gardens, a wildflower garden embraces the beauty of nature in its most organic form. It’s a celebration of diversity, resilience, and the raw charm of untamed flora. One of my favourite aspects of tending to my wildflower garden is the freedom it brings, both in spirit and in practical terms. And for me, this freedom is exemplified by my choice of footwear: my trusty waterproof leather Salt-Water sandals.

These sandals are not just a fashion statement; they’re a gardening tool in their own right. Their waterproof leather allows me to garden even when the morning dew is still fresh on the ground or I’m soaking my plants during rare dry spells here in Ireland! The leather is washable, durable & comfortable, allowing me to move freely without worrying about mud or water damage. Plus, their stylish design means I can transition from garden to summer BBQ mode without missing a beat … priorities right?

As I wander through our one year old wildflower garden, I can’t help but think about the journey it took to get here. Creating a wildflower garden is an adventure, one that requires patience, dedication, and a few insider tips. Our home is sited on an old quarry and thus the rocky nature of our courtyard was a challenge. Here are my top ten tips for creating a thriving wildflower garden: 



Top Ten Tips for Creating a Wildflower Garden

 1. Choose the Right Location:

 Ensure your plot receives at least six hours of sunlight daily. Most wildflowers thrive in sunny conditions, so pick a spot that gets plenty of direct sunlight.

 2. Prepare the Soil: 

Wildflowers are resilient but prefer well-drained soil. Remove any existing grass or weeds and till the soil to a depth of about 12 inches. If like us, you are very short on soils cover, adding a mix of bark mulch and organic compost can improve soil quality and drainage. This worked a treat in our case.

3. Select Native Seeds:

 Opt for native wildflower species suited to your climate and soil type. Native plants are more likely to thrive with minimal maintenance and provide essential habitat for local wildlife. This should be a top priority in your wildflower garden.

4. Sow Seeds Correctly:

 Scatter the seeds evenly across the prepared soil. To ensure even distribution, mix the seeds with some sand. Lightly rake the soil to cover the seeds, but avoid burying them too deeply.

5. Water Wisely:

 Water the newly sown seeds gently and daily to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged for the first two weeks. Once the wildflowers establish themselves, they will require less frequent watering, relying mostly on natural rainfall.

6. Be Patient:

 Wildflower gardens take time to establish. Don’t be discouraged if your garden doesn’t look like a floral wonderland immediately. Some wildflowers may take a season or two to fully bloom. The joy here is that no two years in a wildflower garden are alike!

7. Control Weeds:

In the early stages, keep an eye out for weeds that can compete with your wildflowers for ground light, nutrients and water. Hand-pull weeds or use a hoe to remove them, being careful not to disturb the wildflower seedlings.

8. Attract Pollinators:

Incorporate plants that attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Species like cornflower and lupins not only add beauty but also support the local ecosystem by encouraging pollination.

9. Create a Water Source:

Adding a small water feature like a birdbath can attract birds and beneficial insects to your garden. This helps with natural pest control and enhances the garden’s biodiversity. We were lucky that our courtyard has a natural spring and stream running through it.

10. Embrace Imperfection:

Wildflower gardens are meant to look natural and somewhat untamed. Resist the urge to over-manage. Allow the plants to grow and spread organically, embracing the imperfections that make wildflower gardens so enchanting.



Gardening in a wildflower garden is a joyful and rewarding experience, especially when you’re well-prepared with the right gear. With my waterproof leather Salt-Water sandals, I can enjoy every step of the journey, from the early mornings when the flowers are kissed with dew to the vibrant afternoons when the garden is in full bloom. These tips should help you cultivate your own slice of wild beauty, where nature’s spontaneity is celebrated and your feet can feel the earth, without ruining your sandals.


Happy gardening!

Follow Now and Then Home for more home, gardening and travel adventures on Instagram @farmhousewanders